My mother showed this link to me:
Fairy's Strange Junkfood Tribute: How to Make Fried Oreo Cookies! Thanks Mom, my intestines ache just thinking about them!
It's rather nice to be able to talk candidly to your parents through an instant messenger, especially now that they live in another area code. Mom being a few keystrokes away was especially helpful over the past two days as a small crisis erupted around my family. I'll spare the details, but those that are close to me know what was going on.
On a lighter note, March 10th is my birthday. That's tomorrow, right now, but when most of you read this it will be today. Something like that. Most of my birthdays have sucked since I turned 20, but I'm determined to make this one different. I'll be 26, and this one's going to be good, damnit! On Friday we'll head to Wilmington for mine and Emma's birthdays, and to visit Mom, Dad, Grandma Frances, Grandma Bettie, Grandpa Hinshaw, Aunt Linda and all the rest of the family at the Beach. I gave Mom and Dad a list of birthday gifts to buy for Emma, and they picked those up tonight. I'll reimburse them when I get there. I feel kind of bad not getting them myself, but this way we won't have to try to hide presents from Emma, or try to find a way to buy them without her seeing it. Less stress is a Good Thing. Speaking of which, I'm going to bed early now, in order to ensure a good day tomorrow. Good night!
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