Dribs and Drabs
Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Happy Yule! Blessed Solstice! Kickass Kwanzaa! I'm back like cancer.
Spielberg's Munich wasn't bad, aside from nearly dying of old age before it ended.
I'm playing EverQuest again. In moderation. Seriously.
An acquaintance of mine was carjacked. In Carrboro. Carrjacked?
I've reconnected with a ton of old friends through MySpace. It's too bad the site looks and acts like it was designed by that room full of monkeys that are trying to write Shakespeare...
If you've given up on me updating this, don't worry. I did too! I should get one of the ghosts that lives (deads?) on my front porch to write it for me.
Acquaintance is damned hard to spell. And dude. Dude. Ross got carjacked. In Carrboro.
Fox cancelling Kitchen Confidential was criminal, it was just getting good. They only aired 4 episodes, but 13 were produced. A DVD release would be very nice.
New TransFormers comic book comes out next month! I picked up the preview issue today while hanging out in Chapel Hill with Ian pretending we were teenagers again.
Continuing the return to childhood theme, the Doctor Who special episode "The Christmas Invasion" rocked like no Doctor Who Christmas Special has rocked before. Granted, it's the only one, but it was still mighty good.
We got a honey baked ham for Christmas. I hear it calling my name.
maystar designs and db skyes