The Bicycle Whore
People say Las Vegas is a different kind of city. I'll give them that. With the nickname Sin City, it's no wonder I had a little experience like this. I was walking alone from the Hilton after escaping the Karaoke disaster. The line at the taxi stand was literally out of sight, so I opted to hoof it. I was on my way back for my wife's pajama party and picking my way through the edge of a construction site that had encroached on the road.
Brrrring-brrrrrrring! The sound of a bicycle bell rang out behind me. I glanced over my right shoulder and eased over a bit to the left. A dark-haired girl on a bike rolled up next to me and I started to walk a bit faster. She paced herself at my walking speed and managed to stay upright with only a little wobbliness. "Hey-ey" she says, with a touch of song in her voice.
"Hello, hello," I said politely, although I probably should have ignored her.
"What are you up to?" she inquired.
I replied, "Just headed back to my hotel for the night."
She visibly perked at this. "Oh yeah? Wanna have a good time?"
"My wife is there, and I don't think we're going to need any help having a good time," I said, as I steeled myself for another Atlanta incident (Sorry, that story has to be told in person).
"I bet we could all have a really good time together..." she countered.
"Yeah, but I don’t think our girlfriend would like that." I said, ending the discussion.
"Touche!" she exclaimed, "You have yourself a good time, baby. I'm gonna find some fun of my own!"
She turned left and I watched for a moment as she rode out of site; bell ringing, fishnet clad legs and high heel tennis shoes pedaling in search of another perspective john.
Has this sort of thing happened to anyone else? Is it safe for me to say "Only in Vegas?" or is this another one of those "Only Donnie..." stories?