I need one of these.
Alicia and I have put a lot of thought into building a new house. The old one is...well, old. I'm lobbying hard for a personal retreat, and this is just what I need for the entrance. I've always wanted a secret door!
5-4 the SCOTUS says, "Die Fornicators!"
I tend to stay well away from political issues in this blog. Once I speculated with Jenny that keeping non-political was why I'm often quiet. This, however, is something that must be discussed. Today five men decided the fate of a bunch of babies. Sounds great, right? Not so fast. By doing so, these men are also preventing women in life-threatening situations from life-saving surgery. You can read more here, but be warned: there is strong language and imagery. Babies are snuggly, sweet little noise machines and they often grow up into lovely people. I'm very fond of babies. But wouldn't a living, breathing woman be better than a motherless baby with little chance of survival?
maystar designs and db skyes