Eerily Accurate
I think horoscopes are fun to read. I usually look at them the night of, rather than the morning of, so I can see if any of it applied to my day. Last night, I was looking at my horoscope for the day and saw what might be the most accurate horoscope I've ever had: Pisces - April 13, 2004. Distraction is your middle name. Maybe you're the one causing all the disturbance. Maybe your attention is all over the map, lured every which way by rogue stimuli and passing whims. Admit that you're built for fun right now, and you'll feel much better. There's nothing in store for you but good times if you can get out of your responsibilities this easily. Maybe you're a slacker, but that doesn't mean you're without a clue. Anyone who talks to you will surely recognize your wisdom. Anyone who passes you by is missing out on the experience of a lifetime.
You need to reach out and tend to folks outside the confines of your primary relationship.
Budgeting isn't your strong suit. You'll gladly help someone else spend his or her available funds down to the last dollar. The good news is that you know what things are worth. You have a valuable eye and a golden touch.
That's me, no?
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