I lost a friend recently. I don't particularly feel like going through all the details, but you can find them here.
Mike Trifaro was never one of my teachers. He taught a number of kids in my class, and in the summer after my Junior year, we played a few board games together. He was a good guy, and he gave far more than he got. I'm sorry to see him gone, especially the way he went.
During my first little tenure in the SCA, I spent a great deal of time with my friend, now Sir Daemon. At the time, Daemon was squired to Duke Anton, and therefore a member of the Moose Lodge. Sir Forgal, the head of the household, was in the Special Forces, and there was a ritual I learned way back then. When a friend, family member or teammate died, they'd drink a shot of tequila. After all, the only thing that tastes worse than death is tequila. I had my first taste of tequila when my friend Andrews dad died. I tend to agree; that is some nasty shit.
Tonight, after attending Trif's memorial servce, Alicia and I each had a shot of tequila. She's had it in mixed drinks before, but she’d never had it straight. After downing her shot, her reaction was much like mine the first time I drank it: "People WANT to drink this?"
I do, but only when I lose someone I love. You were a good man, Trif. We shared little, but it meant a great deal to me. I will consider myself lucky if I see you in the afterlife.
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