Thursday, August 19, 2004
Alicia had her tubes tied a week ago. The procedure is actually called a "tubal ligation," and there are no knots involved. Instead of tying knots, they put little titanium clips on the fallopian tubes. I thought the concept was really cool, but then the surgeon explained that she wouldn't set off airport metal detectors. My excitement waned quickly. Some people have expressed confusion with Alicia opting for sterilization. In fact, her doctor called the morning of the surgery and asked her if she wanted to back out. The surgeon requested the call in case someone--such as her husband-- was trying to pressure her into the decision. That's not the case at all, though. Alicia is not interested in having any more children. She suffered numerous complications during and after pregnancy, and we're both pretty sure that Emma is as perfect a kid as the two of us can make, so we are both comfortable with her decision. We have discussed it at length, and this gives her the opportunity to have her wish, and leaves me the choice of having children with someone else if something should happen to her. Kind of morbid, I guess, but it's one of those things you need to think about, like life insurance, cemetary plots and a will.